May 2013





In 1972, stand-up comedian George Carlin released Class Clown. One track on the album was "Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television," a monologue in which he recited these words. When Carlin later performed the routine at the Summerfest in Milwaukee, he was promptly arrested for disturbing the peace.

Five of those seven words consist of four letters, which explains the bad rap. Not wanting to have to line up at soup kitchens, most writers also keep a companion list of "Words You Can Never Say in Print." If you're publishing an e-newsletter, you'll want to include an inoffensive but fatal four-letter word in that list. Using it will virtually guarantee that your carefully crafted missile ends up in the junk mail folder.

The word that's so distasteful to spam filters begins with "FR" and ends with "EE" and would have been precisely the right adjective to drive home the point that upgrading to version 13.1 of Morning Flight is, well, the word I can't say here.

Hal Heindel
Unitac International Inc.




Morning Flight Upgrade V13.1


Upgrades to V13.1 announced in our last FlyBy are now available at the Printfire Store. You can download the upgrade at no charge, regardless of your original date of purchase. If you no longer have the link for the store, email us and we'll see that you get it. Combine all the improvements with the lack of a price tag, and you really should upgrade!

Make no mistake, V13.1 is more than just a new coat of paint. The paper section in particular has received a complete makeover to prepare it for the MorningSkyMall. As extensive as the changes are, we didn't have to change file structures. The new version will drop right in over your existing rates and data. Still, it's always a good idea to back up your existing data files before installing upgrades - of any application.






Shrink-Wrapping Downloads


When you buy shrink-wrapped software in a store, the source of that software is obvious. Downloaded over the Internet, the source and integrity could be questionable. Unless the software is code signed.

Code signing is the process of digitally "shrink-wrapping" setup.exe files. All Morning Flight setup files are code signed to certify Unitac as the source and to guarantee, by use of a cryptographic hash, that the code has not been tampered with in any way.

How do you know the setup.exe file you downloaded is code signed? Right-click the file, select Properties, then the Digital Signatures tab. Click Details to inspect the certificate.




Tip of the Month


Quoting Digital Envelopes

When you quote a custom digital product, it's important to start out with the right parent product to inherit from.

Morning Flight has #9 and #10 digital envelopes built in. To quote a different size envelope, begin your quote by selecting one of those two envelopes, not a flat sheet, from the picklist. The benefit is that when you click Ctrl-F2 to configure your custom envelope, many of the specs are already filled in - inherited from the digital envelope you grabbed from the picklist.

That alone saves a bunch of steps. If you quote envelopes a lot, you'll want to go the rest of the way and bypass not one or two but each and every avoidable mouse click. How? By creating a series of digital envelopes, in both D4/0 color and D1/0 black.

Shouldn't come as a total surprise that the quickest way to create such envelopes is to follow the same shortcuts you just learned to quote them.